Monthly Archives: February 2012

Pipe is on. Davos 6-14.2.2012

Now in Davos and riding pipe almost everyday. From midday till 4 o’clock, progressing and pushing my skills! I have to keept it up: First of all it’s just fun, I meet people everyday, old and new friends and it’s a good workout…. well, at least it is a bit better for my back than riding the kickers. After having the last pipe run, it’s time for a good beer with all the guys. Just a good time.

2nd. day

Piuuu Pizol 5.2.2012

We made this up one week ago, as we didn’t know it is going to be one of the coldest days ever! Never the less, Anja and me decided to go to Pizol, another new skiarea for me.
I went down to Sargans by the train, where Ani picked me up, with tea and croissant, whaat a nice service! This day we weren’t so lucky with transportation and infrastrukture: Almost didn’t get the train, police in the back while makin strange manouvres, forget to pay the parking, Anjas parking skills… But he, in the end everything worked out and we had an awsome day! Empty slopes, sun shining, a good load of fun and just good company.
After takin the last Chairlift up and having the last run, we went over to Landquarts Alpenrhein Village. Saying hello to my old workmates and shopping at Ripcurls.
For the end of the day, we planed to enjoy some wellness and spa, but as we stood there and they say “It’s FKK this evening”, we decided to catch up later on this and go for a yummy dinner.
Thank you Anja for a lovley day.


beautiful view.

what a good day.



First day of freedom. Balmberg 3.2.2012

Finally all my exames are tru!  Despite I have no good feeling about most of em, maybe it’s just a good portion of pessimism. We’ll see in march. Never the less, the last 4 weeks have been a torture and me life just restarted now:

Very spontanious day trip to Balmberg. Actually, it’s the nearest from basel, not quite one hour: Meet up at 10 o’clock at Joggeli parking and hitting direction Solothurn with Madlaine. It was a cold cold, but funny day. We found some forgotten powder at the small and familiar Ski…eeh area (resort would be overdosed).

Life is too good to sit weeks over weeks in a room!