Monthly Archives: November 2011

Pitztal. 25.11.2011

3 Days Pitztal with the Unisport and a couple of sportstudents, means a lot of fun, party and snowboarding on the glacier.
Getting there by bus on Friday morning  6a.m. shredding the half day and straight to apres ski, superfine dinner at the 4 star hotel, sauna and party at the Hexenkessel. sleep. repeat.


What happened since…

So, I’m back in touch.

What happened since summer: Well I changed my lodging to Basel city into a nice flat with Anne-Cathrine, Meli and Nico. All good.
And since September I restarted my University career, Sportscience master programm, which is nice by now. Fun meeting some old friends again from earlier semesters.
I’ve been to Innsbruck meeting Luc for some days. We hit up to Stubai for 2 days shredding with Fabi and Sven and had an unforgettable night at the city, including to meet Flo and Marilynn. Epic!

Well and the next thing to come, will be Pitztal (opening) on 25th November, with a coach full of  snow and party addicted sportstudents. HA HA HA.

keep it up.